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1. Minggang Liu, et al. RecombinantBacillus subtilisdisplaying OmpA and cholera toxin B subunit fusion proteins on the spore surface: an orally delivered engineered probiotic against Edwardsiella tardainfection [J].Aquaculture, 2025, 598:742051.(IF=3.9, 1区Top,通讯作者) 2. Bin Chen, et al. Surface display of duck hepatitis a virus type 1 VP1 protein onBacillus subtilisspores elicits specific systemic and mucosal immune responses on mice [J].Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2024 Jul13.doi: 10.1007/s12602-024-10323-2. (IF=4.4, 2区,通讯作者) 3. Jianzhen Li, et al. Evaluation of the immunity responses in mice to recombinantBacillus subtilisdisplaying Newcastle Disease Virus HN protein truncations[J].Microorganisms, 2024, 12(3):439.(IF=4.5,2区,通讯作者) 4. Yuheng Cao, et al. Evaluation of probiotic properties of aBrevibacillus laterosporusstrain [J].The FASEB Journal, 2024, 38:e23530.(IF=4.80, 2区Top,通讯作者) 5. Dan Xiao, et al.Effects ofBacillus methylotrophicusSY200 Supplementation on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Status, Intestinal Morphology, and Immune Function in Broiler Chickens [J].Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2023, 15(4): 925–940. (IF=5.265, 2区,通讯作者) 6. Darong Yang,et al. Addition ofBrevibacillus laterosporusto the rearing water enhances the water quality, growth performance, antioxidant capacity, and digestive enzyme activity of crucian carpCarassius auratus[J]. Fisheries Science, 2023, 89:659–670. (IF=2.148, 4区,通讯作者) 7. Yufei Wang, et al. Effects of antimicrobial peptides Gal‑13 on the growth performance, intestinal microbiota, digestive enzyme activities, intestinal morphology, antioxidative activities, and immunity of broilers [J].Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2023, 15:694-705. (IF=5.265,2区,通讯作者) 8. Weijie Li, et al. Surface display of porcine circovirus type 2 antigen protein cap on the spores ofBacillus subtilis168: An effective mucosal vaccine candidate[J].Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13:1007202. (IF=8.786,2区Top,通讯作者) 9.李威杰,等.枯草芽孢杆菌表面展示技术用于黏膜疫苗的研究进展[J].微生物学报, 2022,62(1): 65-76.(CSCD核心库期刊,通讯作者) 10. Wanqiang Li, et al. Molecular mechanism of enhancing the immune effect of Newcastle disease virus vaccine in broilers fed withBacillus cereus PAS38[J].Food & Function, 2021, 12(21): 10903 – 10916.(IF=5.396,1区Top, 通讯作者) 11.Dan Xiao, et al.Efficacy ofBacillus methylotrophicusSY200 strain as feed additive against experimentalSalmonella typhimuriuminfection in mice [J].Microbial Pathogenesis, 2020,141(103978). (IF=2.914,3区,通讯作者) 12. Jiajun Li, et al. Screening of immune-related differentially expressed genes from primary lymphatic organs of broilers fed with probioticBacillus cereusPAS38 based on suppression subtractive hybridization [J].PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(7):e0235476.(IF=2.740,3区,通讯作者) 13. Xiaoxiao Gu, et al.Effects ofBacillus cereusPAS38 on immune-related differentially expressed genes of spleen in broilers [J].Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2020,12, 425-438.(IF=3.533,3区,通讯作者) 14. 李佳骏,等. SSH文库技术结合DGGE技术筛选饲喂蜡样芽孢杆菌肉鸡脾脏免疫差异基因[J].华北农学报, 2020, 35(S1):392-398.(通讯作者) 15. 肖丹, 等. 霉菌毒素分解酶枯草杆菌制剂对日粮含AFB1的艾维茵肉鸡的解毒效果研究[J].中国预防兽医学报,2019,41(5):514-519.(通讯作者) 16. 张娇, 等.蜡样芽孢杆菌PAS38对肉仔鸡生长性能及免疫功能的影响[J].华北农学报, 2019, 34(S1):340-345.(通讯作者) 17. Wanqiang Li, et al.Surface display of antigen protein VP8* of porcine rotavirus onBacillus Subtilis spores using CotB as a fusion partner[J].Molecules, 2019, 24:3793.(IF=3.060,3区,通讯作者) 18. Jiajun Li, et al.Screening of differentially expressed immune-related genes from spleen of broilers fed with probioticBacillus cereusPAS38 based on suppression subtractive hybridization [J].PLoS One, 2019, 14(12).(IF=2.776,3区,通讯作者) 19. Jiajun Li, et al.Research progress of the correlation between porcine Insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-I) and growth [J].IOP Conf. Series:Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 332(3): 032027.(EI,通讯作者) |